Krystal E. Duran

Project 1 - Movie Selection App
Movie Selection App Homepage

Web application developed to help users select movie streaming content in Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix based on user criteria selections.

GitHub Repo Deployed Project
Project 2 - Weather Dashboard
Weather Dashboard Homepage

Weather dashboard app developed to allow users to see the current and 5-day weather forecast for any searched city.

GitHub Repo Deployed Project
Project 3 - Online Work Day Planner
Online Work Day Planner

Online work day planner that was developed to allow users to enter and save work day to-do items in order to better plan for the day.

GitHub Repo Deployed Project
Project 4 - Online Code Quiz
Online Code Quiz Start Page

Online code quiz with 5 test questions that willgive users 75 seconds to test their knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.

GitHub Repo Deployed Project
Project 5 - Team Profile Generator CLI Application
Team Profile Generator CLI Application

A team profile generator commandline interface (CLI) application that prompts users with questions to get info about their team members in order to generate a team webpag.

GitHub Repo Demo Recording